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Set Windows Folders to All Have the Same View

May 25, 2016

Windows XP lets you display the contents of folders in a variety of ways — a detailed list of the files, thumbnail images, etc. Each folder in the My Computer or My Documents folder can have its own view.

That's useful for folders like My Pictures, because you can look at your digital photos in Thumbnails or Filmstrip view.

But changing the view for every folder can be time-consuming. If you prefer to have all your folder contents displayed in a particular way, you can save yourself some time by changing the view for all the folders on your computer at once.

For details on how to set your folders so they all have the same view (with info also on how to reset the view for all folders), visit Microsoft's page at http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/setup/tips/views.mspx